Foster Care Agency

A Valuable Service for Children in CAS care.
Discover how Johnson Children’s Services is dedicated to providing safe, supportive foster homes for vulnerable children. We specialize in therapeutic care and trauma-informed practices, offering individualized support to foster children with special needs.
What makes Johnson Children’s Services different?

What sets us apart from other residential treatment centers for troubled teens?

With decades of experience working with adolescents in residential treatment, our team developed a clinically, trauma-informed program focused on the specific challenges and needs of children. Johnson Children Service Inc. Difference focuses on respected, evidence-based approaches to the recovery from trauma, loss, depression, anxiety, relationship deterioration, and impulsive and addictive behaviors. Our holistic approach–which treats the mind, body, and spirit–is just one aspect that sets us apart from other residential treatment centers for troubled teens.
Owner-Operated Programs–The Buck Stops Here… Unlike many residential treatment centers for troubled teens, Johnson Children Service Inc. Difference is a private, owner-operated program. Our founder and residential staff, who are on site daily–involved in regular activities with our children. This includes running groups, teaching
life skills, participating in activities, and being involved in family seminar groups and events. We believe it makes a difference when final decisions are made by individuals who are a part of your children’s daily life.
Let’s face it–girls and boys are different animals. What supports growth and change in one doesn’t always work for the other. Success in working with young men requires specific and unique areas of neurological, emotional, and physiological emphasis and a keen eye to recognize what works for each individual. At Johnson Children Service Inc. Difference, we have created a culture and approach designed specifically to meet individual needs.
At Johnson Children Service Inc. Difference, we believe that people–much more than programs– are the catalysts of long-lasting inspiration and growth in the lives of our youth. We are committed to hiring qualified, professional, caring staff who we train using thorough, evidence based, and cutting-edge trauma-informed approaches to helping the children and families we serve.

Family-Centered Approach to Repair Relationships

We believe that family is the most fundamental unit of growth and healing in society. It is impossible to support long lasting growth in a teenager’s life without involving his family. Our family programming includes, home visits, and other experiential interventions. This requires a significant investment of time and energy from the family, and has proven to be one of the three factors most directly associated with positive treatment outcomes for youth.

Focus on Inside-out Change (Rather than Compliance)

The historical focus of RTC’s is on compliance, and using a system of rewards and consequences to shape behavior. While this approach works in some extreme cases, and also when training pets, we believe its impact to be short-lived for most teens. More often than not, not long after the removal of the behavioral structure from a teenager’s life, he is back to his old patterns of thinking and acting. Compliance is indeed important, but when generated through a relationship based and principle-centered focus, in which a teenager has the choice to comply, it is much more likely that principles of respect, responsibility, love, family relationships, and personal growth will be experienced and solidified. At Johnson Children Service Inc. We believe that a holistic approach is the only way to help children truly heal from trauma. We treat the entire person (mind, body and spirit). Of equal importance is his ability to experience empowerment in our academic, residential, and community base programming. We strive to support the creation of self-sustaining, lifelong change at Johnson Children Service Inc. Difference through our remarkable people and programming.

With decades of experience working with adolescents in residential treatment, our team developed a clinically, trauma-informed program focused on the specific challenges and needs of children. Johnson Children Service Inc. Difference focuses on respected, evidence-based approaches to the recovery from trauma, loss, depression, anxiety, relationship deterioration, and impulsive and addictive behaviors. Our holistic approach–which treats the mind, body, and spirit–is just one aspect that sets us apart from other residential treatment centers for troubled teens.

Our Children are the Heroes of their own Journey

At Johnson Children Service Inc. Difference, the archetypal Hero’s Journey is incorporated into every child’s treatment as a framework for his and his family’s therapeutic progress. All members of the family engage in assignments as they learn, grow, and master new experiences thereby allowing them to press forward in their journey. We understand that every child and parent approaches this journey from a different perspective–taking a unique path toward healing and growth. This Journey is about people, not programs. From the passionate people we employ to the families who entrust us with their children to rededicate themselves every day to this new journey…the challenges are there, but the results are worth the effort.